The Five Orders of Ignorance:

Idea of Ideas    Inputs on Insight    Constructs of Concepts    Thoughts on Thinking
■    Knowledge of Knowledge  

What is this thing we call "knowledge"?  How do I know what I know?  How can we measure knowledge?   How would I know that one thing is knowledge but another thing is not?   Does knowledge have attributes?  If so, what are they?  

This blog/website is based on ideas formulated and published initially in my book The Laws of Software Process and then in the Business of Software column I wrote for 18 years for the Association for Computing Machinery's flagship magazine Communications of the ACM.  

I'm trying to answer some of the above questions or, when I can't do that, to show why we have questions in the first place.  I can't claim that any of these ideas are "new"—they're not.  Indeed, many of them have their origins in Socratic Dialogues (esp. Thaeatetus), but I hope they might stimulate  other thoughts and ideas.

In large part, I'm putting these ideas down as much to help me think through these issues as to elicit comments, agreement, or disagreement.  Though any of these, respectfully given, are most welcome.   

Phillip Glen Armour January 2022
