Dunning-Kruger and the 5OI
Climbing the heights, plumbing the depths...

Having dipped our toe into the subject of ignorance and its classification, perhaps we can usefully revisit the Dunning-Kruger model

The Dunning-Kruger graph  gives a visual of the progress someone might make while evolving from a state of significant ignorance to a place where the person can genuinely display competence through the application of acquired knowledge and the ability to execute or act on that knowledge.

This journey is not without its challenges.  As the Learning Edge idea indicates, learning is an effortful activity.  Being confronted with one's limitations of knowledge and skill can be psychically painful.  The more entrenched one's ideas are, the harder it is to replace or even extend those ideas.

The table to the right indicates how the 5OI map onto the stages of the Dunning-Kruger model.

Ultimately it is the realization of the need for 3OI (an effective process that exposes 2OI ignorance) that is the most essential attribute.  

While it is not explicitly covered in this table, the key requirement for this realization is actually 4OI[1]it is under-standing the nature of ignorance as typified by the 5OI model and acting accordingly 


[1]  Meta ignorance ultimately forbids the pursuit of knowledge in people.