5OI: Fourth Order Ignorance

Ignorance of ignorance

Fourth Order Ignorance (4OI)—Meta Ignorance:
I do not know about the Five Orders of Ignorance.

As noted, I added this Order initially as a nod to recursion: not knowing about the Five Orders of Ignorance naturally includes not knowing about 4OI.  So 4OI includes 4OI.

But at a practical level, there are several artifacts and consequences of 4OI:

There are many more epistemological, phenomenological, and philosophical considerations when we think about this thing called "knowledge"...

...but it is time to turn our attention more to ignorance.


[1] One problem with current systems development is that, while the necessary knowledge may well have been unearthed and even encapsulated in a software form, this knowledge may not be accessible to the particular developers involved in the project.  For them to bake this knowledge into the system they are building means they themselves must acquire it.  So one could argue that the primary target of this learning activity is not so much the delivered system--it is the individual and collective brains of these developers.